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Adrian Clive Langley

What’s Your Role at The Carers Centre?

I have recently been appointed the Chairman of CLASP in Leicester. My role is to support the staff and try to make their roles easier.

How did you get involved with The Carers Centre?

I knew some of the board members and as I work in the field of care advice as a Financial Adviser at PSA Financial in Blaby, I felt I could offer a level of expertise that could assist carers. I have had experience at caring with my own family members with both parents and a sister requiring long- term care in the past.

What do you do for The Carers Centre?

I am a trustee of the trust and I have done some carer meetings regarding long-term care.


I am married with 5 children. My wife and I also have been foster parents for many years. I am a season ticket holder at Leicester City and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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